Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Don't Know Star Wars. Yet.

I've been playing Lego Star Wars because hey, who wouldn't want to jump around with a lightsaber and blow things up? But buying all those little characters in Mos Eisley Cantina got me thinking about how much there is to the story. All those planets. All those species. All that history between the characters. So much to remember!

I grew up with Star Wars. Literally. My childhood is littered with memories of watching various portions of each of these movies, and you better believe I was in those midnight viewings of Episodes I through III. Despite multiple viewings of the films, I have a hard time remembering what happened to who in which movie, where was he from, is he good or bad, or who's daddy was that guy? When it comes down to it, I know nothing about this amazingly huge world that is Star Wars. This blog will be my way of collecting knowledge about the franchise, the universe it tells us of, and all things Star Wars. Please, give me input and correct any facts that may be false. Since I'll be doing this mainly through striking up conversations with Star Wars fans, I'm bound to misquote a few of my sources.

Also: It's okay to like Jar Jar. You're not alone.

1 comment:

  1. I have Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for my DS and I almost can't even start playing it because before I know it, 4 hours have done by and I'm almost blind.

